With a focus on transparency and education, the factory's various departments have not only opened their doors, but also their processes. The twenty-two students were introduced to and had direct contact with the industrial environment.
As soon as the students stepped onto the factory floor, they were transported to an industrial reality that contrasts with their daily lives. They were accompanied by a team of specialized professionals from each department who shared detailed information about each stage of the manufacturing process, from raw material, production and maintenance of dies, extrusion, surface treatments (anodizing and powder coating), machining, thermal cutting to packaging and shipping, passing through the various laboratories that guarantee the quality of the final product.
The interaction with employees allowed students to ask questions and share insights about the sector, providing a deeper understanding of the challenges and achievements faced by the Extrusal team in their daily lives.
This initiative not only offered an insider's look into the inner workings of the factory, but also highlighted the company's commitment to community and education. By opening its doors, Extrusal demonstrates its commitment to social responsibility by sharing its knowledge and inspiring future professional generations.
Over the years, Extrusal has conducted numerous visits to its facilities, establishing partnerships with various educational institutions with the aim of sharing knowledge with younger audiences and from the most diverse areas of training. This event reaffirms the company's ongoing commitment to promoting education and community development.