
Corporate Social Responsibility the mandatory volunteering of today

24 jun 2021Back
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It is in the details that we make the difference. Worrying and caring must begin internally. It is our responsibility to take care of our own, and this will be the attitude that Extrusal will continue to adopt in the future. If we want people to adopt attitudes and behaviors, it is crucial to know and know what motivates them and what they value.

We live in a unique and difficult time, marked by the imposition of behavioral rules and prohibitions that affect the entire society worldwide. A new way of living that has lasted for more than 1 year and that will leave sequels throughout world society.

The human being was forced to reinvent himself at all levels. From the simple “good morning” to putting away your shoes when you get home, if you have the opportunity to go out, all gestures and actions are rammed.

Despite the care we must have in relation to the coronavirus, life, although different, continues. The world is getting used to a new way of living day-to-day. “It is in this context that the role of organizations as drivers and motivators of their audiences comes in.” defends João Madail, Extrusal's Marketing and Commercial Director. “We are, on the one hand, surrounded by prohibitions and, on the other hand, by obligations. We feel more oppressed, reticent and less smiling. Corporate Social Responsibility has never been more important than it is now!” still finishes. This has been a strong commitment by the Extrusal Group, reinforced at the beginning of 2021 with some social initiatives implemented. “Adopting initiatives, voluntarily, in which postures, behaviors and actions are adopted that promote the well-being of their internal and external audiences is a “mandatory volunteering” that must be implemented by organizations” reinforces João Madail.

At Extrusal, the beginning of 2021 was marked by the launch of the “Less plastic, more aluminum” campaign, through which all Group employees and some stakeholders were encouraged, through the delivery of reusable bottles, to use infinitely recyclable materials for a more sustainable world. sustainable. The International Thank You Day was also celebrated, in which the Group's Management thanked all employees for their dedication.

The month of March was marked by two other internal actions to strengthen involvement with the internal community: International Women's Day and Father's Day. Two distinct actions, which involved audiences with different personalities, but which were gratifying for the acceptance and involvement of people. “This is definitely the way to go.” Underlines João Madail, “It is in the details that we make the difference. Worrying and caring must begin internally. It is our responsibility to take care of our own, and this will be the attitude that Extrusal will continue to adopt in the future. If we want people to adopt attitudes and behaviors, it is crucial to know and know what motivates them and what they value. Only in this way will we be able to frame the message to each reality and bring “water to our mill”. We have to get involved with the community.” concludes.

Extrusal foresees a year with several initiatives and internal actions for greater proximity to its internal and external community.

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